An association has been established to promote more efficient reuse of underground resources

The Association of Critically Important Raw Materials Producers (KSIRA) has been established by the merger of several companies, the purpose of which is to promote more efficient reuse of underground resources in the production of other products with high added value. Among the founders of the association are metallurgical production and raw material processing companies, but in the future it is planned to involve other industries as well.

The association points out that Latvia has every opportunity to become one of the leaders of this niche in the Baltics and the wider region, taking into account that the question of how to effectively use the depleting underground resources is becoming more and more relevant in the world and the demand for the recycling of raw materials, reusing them for other purposes, is growing. in high added value products.

It is typical for companies in these niches to create new products with high added value in processing, which are most often a component of some other final product, such as phones, microchips, computers, satellites, etc. For Latvia, on the other hand, it is an opportunity to be part of a global production process.